Friday 1 February 2013

Manchester City Football Club: #matthewisahamster

Manchester City Football Club: #matthewisahamster

Friday 01/02/2013

Well today has been another interesting day after James and Adam accused me, Sam and Matthew of ruining their day because we decided to have Greggs for dinner and they didn’t want it so they decided that they would call it a disaster and sulk all day

Thursday 31 January 2013

Thursday 31/01/13

Well today has been a slow day like most Thursdays. Our tutor is off on sick leave so nobody is happy. James announced today that he spent the day annoyed because he didn’t wash his hair this morning. Can’t wait to go home only 40 more minutes

Friday 25 January 2013

Friday 25/01/2013

Fridays aren't too long after spending all morning finishing off assignments finally finished it now so I’m up to date with them all. Seem to spend a lot of money these days buying pointless things in college think I need to stop and start saving the money.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Thursday 24/01/2013

Thursdays are always long days. Have to be in for 08:45 then leave at 17:00 spent all day doing different assignments after leaving them until the last minute probably should get the work done rather than leaving it. Most of my assignments are due next week. Need to get them done.

Thursday 17 January 2013

About me

Welcome to my blog I will post 50 words about my day starting with this one which is going to be about me. I am 17 years old and live in Royton, Oldham. I go to Oldham college studying Hardware and Networking Level 3 and I am in my first year.